

轉貼: 督促聯合國氣候變遷綱要公約會議COP16做出真正永續的選擇

相片借用自: SAAW

那天聽了中研院周家復教授的說明才知: 如選擇有機嚴格素食的飲食方式,對地球造成的碳損傷(個人自創,因碳足跡聽起來無關緊要)只是葷食方式的1/30(個人概算).




但看著這幾年的環境劇烈變化,只是過客的我們,真的得很努力做點改變了.已經長期習慣這生活方式的我們,突然要改當然很難, 但我們可以開始多欣賞簡單生活的自在,多品味有機蔬食的美味,督促社會正確的政策,要求商家提供對環境無害的商品,然後我們可欣慰自己對這世界還算有用.感恩大家


原文引用自:讓COP16 能夠做出真正永續的選擇









Society for the Advancement of Animal Wellbeing


2010/10/10 350.org發起全球work party

" 350是什麼意思呢? 全球頂尖科學家說過,大氣層中含有350ppm二氧化碳是一個安全的標準值。目前我們已經到了390ppm而且二氧化碳的比率還在迅速提高中."  引自

20101010,全球187個國家將同時舉辦6300Work Party活動.是因350總部發現:全世界似乎已不再重視環境問題,;而偏偏環境惡化,自然反撲,天災連連,問題日益非常嚴重.


一起來 節能減碳 保護地球




Dear friends,

This Sunday, 10/10/10, we'll smash a world record: citizens of 187 nations have organized more than 6300 "climate work parties," from Taiwan to Palau. The message: the world's people are taking action on climate -- and it's time for governments to join us.

Let's show that the global climate movement is energized, everywhere, and enormous -- click to find an event:


This Sunday, at more than 6300 events in 187 countries, citizens around the world will shatter a dangerous myth: that the global climate movement has somehow disappeared.

We'll show world leaders and the media that we're bigger, more diverse, and more creative than ever -- and that we simply won't give up until our planet, and those who live on it, are safe.

On Sunday, October 10 -- that's 10/10/10, a date to remember -- we will gather in climate "work parties" around the globe to demonstrate our determination and trumpet a call to our governments: "We're getting to work... what about you?"

The more of us take part, the more unmistakable our message of determination to defeat climate change. And these parties won't just be vitally important; they'll be fun, too. Click below to find an event near you and RSVP (or register an event of your own) -- it's time to roll up our sleeves and take action:

The timing is critical: in the weeks and months to come, governments will make important decisions about whether to keep striving for a global climate treaty. All year, they've been reeling from last December's Copenhagen summit, where leaders failed to reach a legally binding agreement -- or even commit to developing one. Today, if politicians think that the public outcry for climate action has ended, they will succumb to the whispers of the fossil fuel lobby -- and simply give up on reaching a real deal.

But even as governments dither, the climate crisis itself is accelerating. 2010 is the hottest year on record. Climate-linked natural disasters, like the floods in Pakistan, have claimed thousands of lives. And scientists say the the picture is only getting worse. Our movement must race ahead more quickly than the crisis itself -- and pull the politicians along with us.

By demonstrating our willingness to take action, the Global Work Party issues a challenge to our leaders. Local events include tree plantings in rural Tanzania, solar installation in China, and an international bike-ride from Jordan to Israel -- along with much simpler events organized by small groups of friends. Wherever we are and however we get involved, we're making a point: if we're driving solutions to climate change within our own communities, our political leaders have no excuse not to get to work nationally and globally.

The more of us join, the more powerful our message. 10/10/10 is just days away, and it's easy to get involved -- click to sign up:

Although time is short to confront climate change, the climate movement itself -- from the perspective of history -- is young. Abolishing the trans-Atlantic slave trade and ending apartheid took decades. But climate change, because of its unique threat to everyone everywhere, has a special power to unite people across all lines and boundaries -- if we let ourselves believe that progress is possible.

Last year saw an extraordinary wave of activity, with successive global days of action (21 September, 24 October, and 12/12) that drove heads of government from around the world to personally attend the Copenhagen summit. It was breathtaking, but it wasn't enough. This weekend, let's renew our commitment to the fight of six billion lifetimes -- and show that we're not going anywhere as long as we've got a planet to save.

With hope and determination,

Ben, Iain, Ben M, Maria Paz, Ricken, David, Graziela, and the whole Avaaz team

P.S: These events are being organized by a vast array of groups and individuals, with support from Avaaz's friends at -- using web tools that make it easy to locate an event or sign up a new one. Register for an event through these tools, and 350 will send a few helpful messages as the day of action comes close. That link again:

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